
What’s Next?

What’s Next?

After spending 6 weeks on land, what the heck are we doing next?

Truth is we’ve been trying to figure this out ourselves, but think we’ve come up with a rough idea of a plan that will keep us travelling aboard Altera for another year.

With Altera having been cleaned from bow to stern, top to bottom and right down through all the bilge compartments and a few gear additions we are nearly ready to set off again.  The remainder of the summer will see us sailing around Cape Breton.  We will head north through the Bras d’or Lakes and likely continue to the northernmost tip allowing us to sail to the Iles de Madeleine if the winds co-operate.  From there we would head back towards Arichat possibly via PEI and through the Strait of Canso.


In September we will begin the trek South by heading West along the southern shore of Nova Scotia.  I would really like to go to Digby to spend a night on a floating dock that moves up and down over 20′ with the Bay of Fundy tides, but it is a bit out of the way, so it will really depend how the prevailing SW winds delay our progress along the southern shore.  Just looking at the map, a 100 mile detour just to experience the tide might be a bit of a goofy plan.  From Nova Scotia we will jump across to New England with possible stops in Nantucket and Block Island before heading on to NYC for a week long stop to experience the Big Apple.


NYC to Hampton, VA could see us travel to Annapolis to take in the fall boat show, or just a quick a jump down the coast if we stay north a little longer.


Our tentative winter plans will see us join the Salty Dawgs again for the offshore trip to the BVI’s, which despite being very touristy was probably our favourite of all the places we travelled last winter.  Then we will head down the island chain with stops in St. Maarten, St. Barths, Antigua, Guadaloupe, Domina, and Martinque.  We will be skipping some of the other islands in between due to entry requirements for Magnus.  From Martinque we are considering sailing west to the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) for a several weeks.  Then we are considering a jump north to Cuba where we would explore a portion of the south shore before heading onward to Havana and Varadero.

Of course all this is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances of which the most likely would be delays waiting for parts…Or, just deciding to stay somewhere longer than we anticipated.

And for those wondering about our anchor, we bought a new Vulcan which set on its first try.  After we test it a bit more I’ll let everyone know how it works.

This article has 11 comments

  1. I have the maps and atlas ready for our winter morning coffee while we follow you all on another wonderful travel.
    Still hoping to make the maritimes to see you before you set off.

  2. Hi you three,

    it has been quite a year. We left Bay Moorings and moved the boat to Bluffers’ Park near home. Bay moorings had a nightmare with damaged docks due to insufficient bubbling, or so I hear.
    We spent a couple of weeks in Newfoundland and were blown away with its people and its beauty. That would be a spectacular place to cruise. Anyway, glad to hear you’re considering another year – it means you’re living large!

    • We fully understand keeping the boat closer to home. We fully intend to do the same when we finish our travels if we keep her.

      Newfoundland was actually in our plans, but we have decided to save it possibly for our final summer of living aboard as we have a few commitments this summer and Newfoundland is quite large. The pictures in the guide book are definitely making a strong case for going.

  3. Sounds like a brilliant plan Jeff!

    It was real nice saying you guys in Toronto … thanks so much for stopping by!

    Eric & Jessie

    • It was great seeing you guys as well. Thanks very much for having us!

      We’ve had lots to consider the past few weeks, but after a much needed break are getting the itch to get back out there on the water.

  4. Los Roques National Park could be an interesting place to visit, is not far from Bonaire (165 Km according to google). I don’t know how easy/difficult it is to anchor there or to take the dog, but the island is really beautiful.

    • We will take a look at what the dog requirements are and also where we would have to stop to clear through customs with the boat.

      • Consider you are getting really close to Venezuela now. Good time to fill up on fuel for pocket change (they love US dollars). 🙂
        So if you stop by Isla Margarita, then there is a little wind- and kite-surf paradise on the south side of the island (surrounded by purest of deserts). They have good winds between noon and 5pm everyday for a season of roughly 9 months!
        Good time to pick up some more water sports 😉

        It could be the fuel prices are just as good on the ABCs. I just can’t remember having filled up that rental scooter at all when we were on Curacao.
        Those are the only two islands I am familiar with (so far).

  5. Hi, Jeff and Chrissy:
    Thanks again for the update. As to your comment about going to Les Isles de la Madeleine (wind permitting) and Digby (detour), you should include in your consideration “if not now, when?”. Granted, many of us sailors (that certainly includes me) would avoid a beat in the Bay of St. Lawrence (plus any effect of tide and current), but eventually you are going to be faced with a hard beat somewhere…. and as to the few days to and from Digby… what are a few days in your “schedule”, flexible as it must be – and in a lifetime? All the best, and, as always, I look forward to your next update.

    • Hi Walter,

      I agree with your thoughts about ‘if not now, when?’ for the Isle Madeleine. Outside of an early season tropical storm, I don’t think we will have a problem getting there and from what I’ve heard it is worth spending a week or more there. We’ve slogged to windward before and the boat takes it quite well. The only real hiccup we anticipate is our sail drive which I believe needs new prop shaft seals in the near future which are on order. This will require a haul out, hopefully with no surprises, otherwise timing could be thrown for a loop.

      As for the Digby/Annapolis Royal area, it will come down to when we actually depart and whether we intend to make the Annapolis Boat show. We have visited the Bay of Fundy near Alma, NB to experience the tides, so it wont be a total loss if we don’t make it. I’d love to take the boat to Alma where they let them dry out against the dock and save the cost of a haulout to service my sail drive!